Mariah Bottomly
Mariah is a practitioner of curanderismo/ancestral folk medicine, medicine keeper and owner of Sacred Expansion Wellness. She has inherited and (re)learned from renowned and respected teachers, elders and other medicine keepers from across the expanse of earth. She combines different sacred elements and modalities into her work, using intuitive medicine, quantum healing, touch therapy and her other multifaceted talents. She also works in the reproductive health field providing support for birthing bodies and beyond. Trans bodies are supported heavily in her work.
She just finished and was initiated in Ireland after a year long apprenticeship with the Serpent and the Veil Mystery School (Nov. 2021), so that she can incorporate Celtic medicine into her practice. She had a deep, primal call to go to "the other mother land" to learn the Celtic medicine ways so that she can help people of European descent remember their own indigenous practices and medicine ways so that they stop appropriating and commodifying indigenous to the Americas, medicine ways. She literally "Walks in two worlds."
Mariah has been working at Gebhard Mansion since March of 2022 and it has fulfilled her deeply. She offers a Community Care Clinic or, CCC on Fridays at the mansion on a sliding scale, donation basis. She wants care to be available for those who want to experience (w)holistic modalities, but are struggling to afford quality care.
You can contact her at: sacredexpansionwellness@gmail.com or 303-257-3884
Website: www.sacredexpansionwellness.com